Solving the recruitment talent shortage

11:00am Tuesday, 23 August 2022
12:00pm Tuesday, 23 August 2022
Sydney, New South Wales 2000

Join APSCo for our upcoming webinar with recruitment industry leader and trainer Adele Last, who will distill her 26 years in recruitment and share a concise formula for sourcing and training new talent for the recruitment industry. 

In this session Adele will share her learnings from working with agencies around Australia, outlining her methods and challenging your thoughts on what it takes to find, train and recruit new talent for the recruitment sector.

Adele will share surprising and never before seen data on the type of candidates best suited to our space - and talk through the many mistakes and pitfalls that agencies go through on their growth journey.

Find out the average age of new recruits to our industry, and the most common background and previous industry experience.

Discussion topics

  • The formula for bringing new talent to you agency (learn the top 3 things you need to do to attract the new 2022 recruiter)
  • Secrets you need to build talent in your agency
  • Shared learnings from the Recruiter Creator
  • A model to create your own recruiters
  • Things you didn't know, but should, about training recruiters
  • Additional ideas on performance management to ensure their success

Attendees will also hear first-hand about APSCo and Career Lasso's upcoming traineeship day, where company's will have the opportunity to meet and hand pick their next recruit - pre-trained and prepared by Adele and the Career Lasso team.  Spots at this day will be limited. Attend this webinar to ensure you're the first to know about this unique opportunity.

Adele Last, Founder, Career Lasso


Adele Last is a career recruiter and after 26 years in the industry she now helps solve the talent shortage. Her business Career Lasso, is an Australian first unique model of sourcing and training new talent and working with agencies to give them their first start in the industry.
Adele has experience across a blue and white collar recruitment in both temporary and permanent placements. She has experience in IT, Safety and Risk, Labour Hire, Business Support, Executive and Infrastructure. Adele's no-nonsense but natural storytelling style has directly led to hundreds of new recruits being trained with the best opportunity to succeed. 


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Carly Fordred

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